Today lets visit Downtown Carrollton, Tx.Why, you say?????? Well they have the neatest Quilt shop I have seen lately. It is called The Old Craft Store.. On the front of the store it just says Quilt Store . When you get inside, boy does everything catch your eye.
EYE CANDY**FOR SURE**. The first thing we no
ticed was the post office. Yep, right inside the quilt store. It is a real P.O., DH bought stamps**VBS** Then go by there and you enter
Then when you have enough of all that the fabrics, patterns and the beautiful QUILTS, j
ump out at you. Lets take a look**
This redwork Christmas quilt was georgeous, Yes, I bought the pattern, and have already started the red work. (I am finally sewing)
Then we saw this quilt, it too was awfully pretty,but what caught my eye was the fabric, I have all of them. But am going to make G-GS's quilt out of them. If my LQS has enough fat quarters(18) when I get home, think I will make one for a larger bed. Don't you think that would b
e pretty? Do you see the pj"s made out of the brown?I really had a great day as that wasn't the only quilt store I went to, but will probably have to wait until Friday to post again.
As you can see, I am in a better mood today, and I have been told that my generator WILL work for me. DH has to work in the am and then again tomorrow evening, so hopefully tomorrow evening I can try everything out. But if not, I will embroidery.I know I won't be content to just emb.long, cause I really don't like handwork. But I am sure things will work out. Sorry about whining yesterday, but thanks for "listening" and thanks for the nice comments.
Going to get off here, for some reason, my back has decided to hurt, so am going to lay down and rest.Hope all of you are quilting memories.
Also, to all my LQS friends I also bought some interesting (I think) patterns, will show them Friday. Be good, catch you later, J
I'm so glad today was a better day! That quilt shop looks wonderful and I LOVE that redwork quilt. I have been tempted by it a few times myself but I am drowning in handwork right now! Can't wait to see the other shop!
I date a postman! What a great shop for us to visit someday.
Oh boy - what a fantastic tour *s* Your redwork quilt is going to be terrific!
I have been to this quilt shop numerous times, but since it is kind of far from my house, I don't go there very often. I have a friend that goes there a lot for classes, etc. I'm going to work on some quilts for children's hospital tomorrow. I will probably post an entry in my blog too, with pictures. Have fun with your red work! Ruth
What a fun shop you found! And I can see why you like the quilt on that great antique bed....the fabric look so vintage and confortable...good choice to make it! Keep having better and better days. Hugs, Finn
Redwork? I recently purchased a book on redwork patterns. Would like to give it a try too as part of a larger story quilt.
Best, Kyra
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