Monday, May 5, 2008

Meme from Finn's blog

Lets have some fun, here is a meme from Finn. These are the rules...Use the first letter of your first name and answer each of the following with one word only.They have to be real places, names or things.. nothing made up.Try to use different answers if the person before you had the same initial. Do not use your name for a boy or girl.

Name..... Carolyn
4 letter word...Crib
T V Show.... CSI
Boy's name...Christian
Girl's name...Christine
Something in bathroom... Charmin
Reason for being late...Cleaning
Something you shout.... Cowabunga

Now I'm tagging you and you.....


Libby said...

What fun *s*

Salem Stitcher said...

Okay, since I've already posted tonight, I'll put my answers here.

Name..... Lisa
4 letter word...Lean
T V Show.... Lassie
Boy's name...Leonard
Girl's name...Louisa
Food....Lemon pie
Something in bathroom... Lotion
Reason for being late...Lazily lying around
Something you shout.... Let go!

Karen said...

Name - Karen
4 letter word - keep
vehicle - Kia
TV Show - Knight Rider
Boy's Name - Kevin
Girl's name - Katherine
Occupation - Knitter
Food - kielbasa
Something in the bathroom - kleenex
Reason for being late - kittens need fed
Something you shout - Kooky!