The last pic is "Moi" trying to figure out how to cut a block I need and don't know how to measure correctly to get it to work?????HELP.........I have an 8 1/2 1n. block, 8in. finished,that I want to set on point,I don't know what size to make the triangles to surround it.I know there is a measurement and it is pretty standard, but I DON"T KNOW WHAT IT IS........... GGGGRRRR. If I was at home, I could call some of my friends or go to the LQS, but since I am not, I am just pulling my hair out. NOW, imagine that..... heehee, any help will be appreciated.
Back to my sewing room on the go, I don't have it fixed the way I want yet, as we are now being told the generator will be fixed Easter when we come home for a few days.The way I had lights the other night, was we were at Home Depot and they had an outside plug that we could use. That is the first one we have had. I sure thought all those type stores had plugs outside, but apparently not......... I hope maybe there will be a couple more this week. We are now in San Antiono. Its cold here and the wind is furious, just cuts right through me. Supposed to get colder but the wind is going to die down some, so that will be good. Will post our schedule tomorrow, DH has it with him, he is at the computer downstairs.
Hope all of you are warm tonight, when we came in from dinner, the electricity was off, but came back on in about 30 min. It was beginning to get a little chilly.I think the wind knocked it out.
When we went to eat, we passed a fabric store, plan to go back tomorrow to check it out. Tomorrow is our off day, so will have some time to look around a bit, also plan to check out my book of quilt stores and see what I can find. I'm sure there is something I can get into.
Oh, yeah, I went to Toys R Us on Saturday and done a little Great Grandmother shopping. That was the only store that was convenient, but I had a good time just thinking about "our" newest addition. I can't hardly wait. By the way his name is Christian Klark, I like their choice in names, but then, I would like whatever they chose. Afterall, He is theirs.............VBS..........
Do any of you read a blog, will I be pretty in pink? I was keeping up with her, but have lost the site and can't find it, I know she reads my blog sometime, so if she or any of you have her site would you please send it to me..........Thanks.....
Am going to hush for now, want to read some blogs.............
Hope you are quilting memories........someone will love you for it............J
Hope you are quilting memories........someone will love you for it............J
Have looked at my handy little chart--for a 8" finished block set on point, cut a 12 and 5/8" square and slash it with an X to make 4 triangles to go on the side of the quilt(grainline will be along the outside of the quilt). For the little triangles that go in the corners of the quilt, cut a 6 1/2" square and cut in half diagonally. Cut two squares to make 4 triangles, one for each corner. If you get to a quilt store, tell them what you're trying to figure out. They may have a chart that tells you what size to cut the squares, or they may have a setting triangle ruler where you just find the right line to cut your triangles. HOpe this helps. If anyone else is reading this, please double check my figuring. You might want to double check it, too or cut just one as a trial.
ENjoyed the photos of you in your new digs.
I knew quiltkeemosabe would know!
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