Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Quilt Store

Just wanted to share some pics of the Quilt store I went to on Tuesday. Quilters Connection is on Plano Road, in Dallas. I enjoyed the ladies and the browsing very much. There was a lot of eye candy, also "candy" that I had to have.The blue floral quilt looked hand appliqued, very nicely done,I loved their choice of colors. The baby quilt is of course the Paddington Bears. I wanted a panel so that I could make something of my "own" design, but all were packaged into kits.So I will put that on my mental list to look for elsewhere.
The other pic is just one of her displays. I thought was pretty. I already have the fabrics, that is what I plan to make my GGS his quilt out of.Although my LQS had several more pieces to co-ordinate with those. Do you think they will make a pretty baby quilt?
Will try to show more of this shop's pics tomorrow. As soon as I can remember, I am going to take pics of all the fabrics I came home with when I was at my LQS last week.And maybe a pic of what I purchased at Quilters Connection. I bought 15 fat quarters and 4 - 1/2 yds. I don't have any immediate plans for the fats, but hope to make burp pads out of the 1/2 yds, they are flannels.
WELL, now for the BAD news, our truck left us on the side of the road AGAIN yesterday. I will be so very glad when we finally get our "new" truck. The boss told DH yesterday that as soon as it comes in he is going to personally deliver it to us................WE will see............I am not real sure I believe him...I know that isn't very nice of me, to say that, but there has been 2 new trucks purchased since we started to leave and both given to someone else. Don't get me wrong, I know we are not special, but both were promised to us. GGGRRRR... The fuel line started leaking and was spewing fuel everywhere. DH stopped and tried tio fix it, but couldn't, so he drove on to our show ( that is where we were headed) about 5 miles, and then started calling places to find someone...........He called the Ford place and the lady said if we could get it there, they would try to fix it today.....Not good enough, we were about 1hr. and 15 min. from this motel with no clothes or anything. AS he was hunting the mgr. of the Wal Mart where we were, ( trying to find a phone book)his phone rang. He was surprised, but one of the mechanics at the ford dealership had heard what was going on, so he got DH's phone # and called. Told DH as soon as he got off work and could get the parts gathered up (he knew what the problem was ) he would come out to us and fix it, and he did. Was that LUCK or what!!! The Good Lord does look after us!!!
We certainly did appreciate this man, he even made sure DH had his Phone # in case we ever need him again. I thought he went the "extra mile". There are still a lot of good people in this world.Thank You, Thank You.....
So, today we have to leave here early, and get our trailer and truck washed, all of it smells like diesel fuel..ALSO, TODAY, not yesterday, is the day I meet my new friend.If she says its ok, I will tell you about her tomorrow.............I am so excited....
BUT................If I don't get off here and get myself put together I am going to get left sitting here at the computer..
Hope all of you are having a great day and quilting Memories for me.............Catch You Later, J


quiltkeemosabe said...

For heaven's sake!!! You two certainly do have the road adventures!!! Glad this one worked out ok and thank goodness for that mechanic! sounds like he went above and beyond the call of duty! The pictures of the shop looked good. I'll bet you're having so much fun. Enjoy getting to know your new blogging friend in person.

MJMR said...

Sorry about the truck trouble, but glad to hear there are still good people out there who will go that extra mile! Be safe.