Tuesday, March 4, 2008

New Question

I seem to be full of questions, but first I want to Thank Quiltkeemosabe for the info, will try that tomorrow. All my fabric and quilting "stuff" is in the trailer.............I do thank you....VBS....
I knew you would know, you know everything**********YEAH FOR ME***********
NOW, a blogging question, I have a friend whom I would like to get on my blog, but she keeps getting a message that she has to be invited?????????????? How do I help her, I am sure it is a simple thing, but again I have no clue.....Please, if you can give me some info, I would appreciate it.......Is that something I have done? I sure wish I knew more about how to use this stinking computer...............I am trying, but am beginning to believe you really can't teach an OLD dog new tricks....VBG.........
Thanks again for any help you can give me, J


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

She wants to "get on", as a commenter? If that's what you mean she would need to establish a blogger account, she doesn't need to set up a blog; but then she could! It's as simple as following the prompts, as they come up, to register a blogger name. That's it, then she's all aboard!

MJMR said...

When I read your problem last post, my thought was...Quiltkeemosabe would know the answer. And she did! Miss ya. Travel safe.

Cheryl said...

Looks like your question got answered!! Hang in there with the blog thing. I thought the same thing in the beginning. First I couldn't figure out how to post a picture, then they were upside down. Now it seems pretty easy. The more you blog the more comfortable you will be with the computer. Nice to find your blog.