Monday, March 24, 2008

Back in Texas, This time in Dallas

Well, our longest journey begins, actually it bagan yesterday morning...VBS... We made very good time but was surprised at the traffic that was out on Easter Sunday.Guess everybody was going to lunch at Grandmothers house...
We saw all of our family and several friends and done some chores around the house while we were at home.I have no idea where we get so much laundry, I didn't have anything to wash except the clothes we had for the two days we were traveling, but before I left, I had washed 5 loads...I am not sure whether we are really dirty or really clean...VBS...
As I posted the last time I did go to the LQS ( fabric therapy)and left there with several projects to complete while on the road, and YES we have a new generator so should not have any electricity problems. If we do you will probably hear me protesting at YOUR house, and that may be a long way from here, but I can be pretty loud if necessary..LOL
I am so excited, Wednesday, I will get to meet my first blog buddy. We have emailed a few times and she is going to come see me. We will be in front of a Wal Mart, so she has an advantage, she will see me before I see her. We plan to go eat, so we can get to know each other a little.
I hope she likes me and we can continue our friendship even though it will be long distant, Will see....I am sure I will like her...
I haven't felt very good for the last 2 days, headache, I think maybe its my sinuses, hopefully they will clear up soon. Am taking Claritin, I have to be careful what I take because of all the prescription meds I take. So am going to take a hot shower and get to bed early. We have settled into a very nice motel with a large room. Will be in here for 12 days, so we need enough space to move around a little without stepping on each other..VBG..
I have some pics to post, but have to wait for DH to get them from the camera to the comp, hope he will do that soon.I had a NICE surprise when we got home, but want to wait until I can show the pics before I say anything.
Going to get off here and go take that needed HOT SHOWER, hope all of you are quilting memories, and certainly hope I will be joining you myself in the next few days. I have sorely missed quilting memories of my own. Later, J

1 comment:

MJMR said...

Glad the trip went so good. Tell "W" hello.