Winston Salem, N.C. and the other one is in Boone, N.C.... If you ever find yourself in either place stop by, whoever is working that day will make you more than welcome, they are a great bunch of ladies and VERY smart ! They know EVERYTHING about quilting, sewing, and Bernina sewing machines,so if you have a question , do not be shy, just ask, someone there knows the answer, or will find out the answer for you. The owner's name is Shirley.
Jeanne is very good with fabric colors, but then all of the staff are. There wasn't any more of the staff working that day, but there are several more, there is Holly, Muriel,Judy,and Terri. Terri is the one to ask your software questions! There are several ladies that come in and teach various c
lasses, so there is always something going on.
The above picture is a baby quilt that a former employee done, ( Diane) I think it is so cute. The baby quilt I made for GGS was made using this pattern, but obviously I changed it some. Above is a block that Holly made, she has a class each month and they make a new block, just learning new techniques. She's a smart lady!
I'm not sure who done this quilt but it sure is pretty,but then most quilts are pretty to me.
There is a lot of talent in that shop, if I could just know a portion of what each of those ladies know I would be one smart lady. But unfortunately I don't think I (or anyone) can live long enough to be that smart. Well, maybe Shirley, but then she already knows more about sewing than most people.
Ok, blogger won't let me add anymore pics, so will be back another time and show somemore and maybe tell you a little about the others that work in the WS store. I really don't know the ladies that work in the Boone store, so can't tell you about them. I have got to get up from here and get myself together so I can get out of here.Hope all of you are busy quilting memories today. Have a GREAT DAY.
Blogger really is being ugly, he won't even download my new signature,OH WELL,
Hey, guess what? That's my favorite quilt shop, too... hands down! I am so sorry that I missed you... boohoo :(
Great Post....they may not be the biggest but the people make them the best!
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