Wednesday, November 28, 2007

No Pictures, It's A Secret

I now have the baby quilt finished, bound and labeled. Will show pictures as soon as the new parents receive it. I sure hope they like it. I do, now that it is finished. I will wash it tomorrow, and when its dry get it in the mail to them.
I have already gotten the fabric ready to layer another quick quilt tomorrow. My Dgd said, would I please make her a quilt with lots of horses on it, not a lot of little pieces, so, I bought 1 1/2 yards each, horse fabric and for the back, the fabric has boots, lassoes,cowboy hats and bandanas, the binding has horseshoes. That should about cover the horse theme ,don't you think? I have her another one started, but will finish it after Christmas.the "horse" quilt will be for her and her dog to lay on at night and watch tv.
I went to our charming cotton club today, we exchange 6" squares of 2 fabrics , this month it was brown. Next month it is something that has something on it that starts with whatever alphabet you drew out of the hat. Mine is A and N . I found what I needed at the fabric Hut in Portland. Hope averyone likes my choices. As usual, can't show them either, There are a couple bloggers that go to class with me. Will try to remember to photo them, then show them after the 19th. of December.
Well, it's getting late and have had a busy day, so think I will get ready for bed. Have a goodnight, hope all your dreams tonight are about quilting memories.


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

The baby quilt is precious, lucky me-- already getting an opportunity to "preview" your creativity! Our charming cotton club is fun, isn't it? We'll miss you next year-- do you think you could participate by mail?

Finn said...

Popping in to see what you are up these days *VBS* Baby quilt? Can't wait for a picture!! Come back soon! Hugs, Finn