Friday, January 4, 2008

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Rolling,Rolling, Rolling, Keep those wheels rolling*****

We're Off, yes we leave on Sunday the 6th. of January. Headed to Daytona Beach, Fl. from there to Orlando and Disney. Will be back the next weekend. Sure hope it is warm down there. Wasn't planning to have to leave until the 13th. of Feb. but tis the nature of the job. Will only take some hand work with me this time as I don't have everything ready. But that is ok, I have plenty of applique to do.

Yesterday I made 6 pillow cases. I had cut out a pair for Christmas and didn't get them sewed, so finished them. Then cut out 4 more, no, they are not pairs. We needed some to carry on our trips, so just used some odd fabrics. We were wearing out the ones that went with my sheet sets. Washing them several times and not having to wash the sheets. This way I will have only ones that we carry on trips. No pictures of them, and hubby is gone and has the camera, maybe next time.

Take care and will be back next week to post again. How about quilting Memories for someone you love this week while I am gone, later, J


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I'll do my best to get in some sewing time... you two be safe! Take care!!

MJMR said...

Safe travels. See you next week.

Holly said...

Happy 2008! I like your motto - making quilting memories. Cute baby quilts you made your grandchildren. A year of traveling sounds like a fun job to me especially when you know there will be an end to it. Have fun in Florida.

Finn said...

Hi J, hope you are having or did have a wonderful time *VBS* I'm busy making memories for the new expected grandson! Hugs, Finn