Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Gardens and things

Hello Everyone,

I just realized that it has been over 2 months since I posted, so thought I should check in.The beautiful flower was in our flower bed when we got home in June, I think it is grand. My husband has a really nice flower garden. This year I planted 3 tomato plants, a pepper and a cuckember plant, all have produced very nicely. I have never planted peppers nor cuke's before. several years ago we did have some tomato plants, but I didn't fool with them. This year, however they have been all mine. they are still producing quiet a lot, so will have ( especially) tomatoes for sometime. I have even frozen some tomatoes and peppers. I must be turning into "Suzy Home Maker" NOT!!
When we got home in June, I was sitting at my desk, messing with our checkbook and the chair I was sitting in broke and flipped me on my head,I didn't think much about it until a couple days later, I began to have a terrible headache that would NOT go away, then the dizzyness and nausea set in. Time for the Doctor....Well, it seems that he thinks when we were in Texas last year and I fell, I got a concussion, then when the chair toppled, I injured my head again, the headaches are just now about gone. Most days I feel pretty good. The dizzyness and nausea comes from Vertigo....That is nasty "stuff"...I have been going to therapy for a while now, and that too is about gone. I haven't been able to drive nor sew, it's hard to do either one when your head is spinning faster that you can think.LOL....But this week I have sewed a little, so am getting back "on my feet", still going to therapy, hope today will be the last trip, that is the only thing that has helped. I had no idea what Vertigo can do to a person. And top that off with a concussion and you begin to think you are crazy!
I do hope all of you have had a great summer, it has been nice to be home, I couldn't go with DH, but he went to Chicago. That was the longest I have ever been by myself, DD came by real often to check on me, take me to the Dr.and grocery shopping, and that was all I done. I think the total rest helped more than anything else! I sure would have liked to be sitting at my sewing machine all that time. I have been trying to read all the blogs, sounds as though the summer has been fun for lots of you.That's great!
I will try to be a little better at blogging, I know I enjoy reading what all of you re doing, so when I get some more pictures(or DO something ) I will post again. Keep on Quilting Memories,


Salem Stitcher said...

Wow. Watch your head! That is dangerous stuff. I'm glad the headaches are subsiding and hopefully you'll be back to sewing and driving soon.

Take care of yourself!!

Ruth said...

I'm so sorry about your head problems. Wow! It really lasted a long time, but I'm glad you are feeling better. I sure had noticed that you hadn't posted anything for quite a while and wondered what you were up to. Hope you keep feeling good!

quiltkeemosabe said...

good to know you're feeling better. And what a pretty flower!!!